Building Bridges Between Classroom and Industry
Presentation Files:
Presentation Category:
California Partnership Academy
Presentation Description:
Monday Nights! We have created an after school class that studies energy, reinforces math concepts, and engages our industry partners to mentor, tutor, and share their professional insights with our students. This enrichment class motivates students and provides a consistent schedule to engage our industry partners on an ongoing basis.
Funding Opportunities
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides funding to states to replace cuts to K-12 and higher education for several purposes including teacher professional development for making progress toward rigorous college and career-ready standards.
Information links for funding professional development:
Perkins Funding
The CCPC conference includes professional development topics for faculty, counselors, and administrators that meet requirements of the 2006 Perkins Act (Sections 122, 124, 134, and 135).
Information links for funding professional development: