Improving Rigor in Your Academy through Dual/Early College Courses
Presentation Files:
Presentation Category:
California Partnership Academy
Presentation Description:
The Community College Research Center at Columbia University is supporting eight secondary/post-secondary partnerships as they develop career-focused dual enrollment programs. We will review research on positive benefits of dual enrollment and focus on two innovative, high rigor classes, a community college anatomy-physiology class and an introductory CSU engineering class.
Funding Opportunities
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides funding to states to replace cuts to K-12 and higher education for several purposes including teacher professional development for making progress toward rigorous college and career-ready standards.
Information links for funding professional development:
Perkins Funding
The CCPC conference includes professional development topics for faculty, counselors, and administrators that meet requirements of the 2006 Perkins Act (Sections 122, 124, 134, and 135).
Information links for funding professional development: