Monday Session 2

1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 1

Presentation Room Presentation Category Capacity Presentation Description Presenter/s
Strengthening Career Pathways in Manufacturing & Technology: A Case Study
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 60 This presentation covers strategies and tactics to improve K-14 career pathways in manufacturing & technology. It includes demonstrations of free software tools that other CTE programs may be able to use (GIS mapping & teacher-volunteer matching service). Come empathize, commiserate, and give feedback on one path taken to strengthen CTE education. Mark Martin

Web-based Curriculum Resources for Career Academies
Garden 1
California Partnership Academy 90 We have searched the web for curriculum resources to enhance your Academy and culled it down to the most relevant and helpful. This session will highlight free guides and reports, interdisciplinary curriculum, teaching and learning web-based resources, and bookmarking sites that will help teacher teams work more efficiently. Erin Fender
Donna Reed
Roadtrip Nation: Defining Your Own Road in Life
Garden 2
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 90 The Roadtrip Nation Experience is putting California high school students on the road to interview individuals who defined their own roads in life. These roadtrip experiences are then shared through documentaries, online publications, and in classrooms. This will be a multimedia presentation on how to get your students involved in the movement and inspire them to begin defining their own roads. Mike Marriner

Making SLC and Academy Work on a Shoestring Budget
Garden 3
California Partnership Academy 150 The presentation will revolve on how SLC and academy can work despite all the budget cuts, traditional budget and time schedule. The dicussion will be from the perspective of administrators, SLC Leaders and Academy Lead Teacher. Michael Santos
Phyllis James
Lilibeth Pinpin
Academy Certification Based on National Career Academy Standards
Garden 4
California Partnership Academy 120 National Standards of Practice for Academies (NSOP) were developed in 2001 by organizations working with academies across the country. California Partnership Academies are unique - the State provides funding, and requirements are in Education Code. Participants will compare NSOP with Education Code and learn about a new, voluntary certification process. Susan Tidyman
Karen Shores
Empowering Students to Become the Career Architect of their Future
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 77 This interactive session will focus on an integrated model working with school officials and students. The ASVAB Career Exploration program has enabled Temecula Valley High School to integrate the CEP into the school's curriculum. The presentation will highlight specific strategies how the students use the robust online process for identifying their career goals. John W. Stine
Richard Rundaug, MBA, Ph.D.
California Pathways Online
Harbor Room
Programs of Study 120 The FarNorth Tech. Prep Regional Collaborative brings you WWW.CAPATHWAYS.ORG and is ready to chart out the CTE pathways and full programs of study within your 9-14 sequence and beyond. With a few can document and publish all the viable CTE pathways that exist locally for your students and families. Brian Ausland
Linda Zorn
Paul Watters
California Successful Practices Network Showcase
Imperial Room
Assessment and Accountability 90 California high schools chosen to participate in a five-year initiative will share their successful practices, strategies, and resources. The High School Initiative was developed by the Successful Practices Network in partnership with the International Center for Leadership in Education and the Council of Chief State School Officers with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Teams from: Canyon Springs High School, La Serna High School, Tulare Union High School Joyce McLean

Professional Learning Communites for CTE Instructors
Assessment and Accountability 80 Through this workshop CTE instructors and leaders will develop strategies to create and use Professional Learning Communities to meet the demands of curriculum support, learning intervention strategies and assessment data interpretation. This workshop will center on hands on activities that can be duplicated in any CTE setting. Claire Spence
Margie Shamblin
Spending Perkins $$--What’s Allowable, What’s Not!
Assessment and Accountability 120 Perkins IV and the California State CTE Plan outline how Perkins monies can be spent to improve, enhance, or expand CTE programs. This workshop will help CTE educators understand how the uses of funds have changed with the new act. Keeping an equipment inventory will also be highlighted. Barbara Weiss
Russell Weikle
The Student Leadership Connection: Opportunities for Excellence through Student Leadership Organizations
Regal Room
CAROCP 90 Development of leadership skills, practical hands-on experience, local to national competitions and conferences, planning of school and community events, preparation for life's challenges, sharing of common interests and experiences, and lasting friendships. These are the benefits to CTE students that belong to a CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization) like FFA, FBLA, FHA-HERO, DECA, HOSA and Skills USA. Attend this panel presentation and hear from area ROP students who are learning to connect academics and the world of work, achieve higher academic and CTE standards, gain confidence and knowledge through competitions, and belong to a positive group. Randi Scott
Carl Morrison
Fred Jones
Building Bridges Between Classroom and Industry
Salon I – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 80 Monday Nights! We have created an after school class that studies energy, reinforces math concepts, and engages our industry partners to mentor, tutor, and share their professional insights with our students. This enrichment class motivates students and provides a consistent schedule to engage our industry partners on an ongoing basis. Kim Woolf
Stacey Fuentes
Bill Parviainen
Evaluating CTE Program Quality at the Local Level
Salon II – North Tower
Assessment and Accountability 80 High quality CTE programs have eleven the key elements evident in Perkins IV and the California State CTE Plan. CDE drafted a tool to evaluate program quality and identify gaps. Solano County, working with its districts, modified the tool and is using it to improve CTE locally. Join a discussion of the evaluation tool from the state, county and local perspective. Russell Weikle
Janet Harden
Perkins Office and the GENUIS BAR: Career Pathway and Industry Sector Leads
Salon III – North Tower
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 50 When CDE Perkins consultants are not presenting workshops, they will be available to meet with local Perkins coordinators to answer district and site specific questions and to provide technical assistance. The Industry Sector Leads will provide sector and program specific resources and strategies to the many workshop attendees including CPAs, SB 70 Community Collaboratives, ROCPs, school districts, county offices of education, etc. through each of the specific career pathway and industry sector strands offered. Perkins and 15 Industry Sector Education Consultants

Preparing Health Careers Teachers for a World on Networking: Increasing Teacher Collegiality and Professionalism Practices
Salon IV – North Tower
Health Careers 50 Too many health career teachers plan their curriculum in isolation and are rarely given the opportunity to share knowledge with other teachers during the school day. This session will: 1) identify specific academic factors that impact professional learning communities, and 2) provide teachers with recommendations for increasing networking practices. Gustavo Loera
Cindy Beck
Augmented English for Advanced Placement
Salon V – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 Offer AP-based Academy English without requiring AP-level work of all students. All students experience AP-based curriculum, while those working toward the AP test engage in additional hours and on-line dialogue. The result -- dramatic increases in CAHSEE passing rates, CST scores, and post-high school success in college English classes. Susannah Bell
Annie Johnston
Ariel Morris
Partners, Purpose and Power
Salon VI – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 Our team of industry and educational partners will provide Green Academy educators with state wide contact resources for developing partnerships in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and home performance; share our green energy curricular thematic map; and demonstrate, in an interactive format, our career technical projects and resources. T Norma Velia Williamson
Padmini Kishore
Alan Williamson
Advisory Committees: One of the Ingredients for Successful CTE Programs
Salon VII – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 The purpose of advisory committees is to provide leadership, guidance and technical assistance to maintain, improve and develop quality career and technical education programs. This workshop will provide valuable resources for those planning to form new advisory committees, improve those already in existence, and guide newly appointed members. Alex Flores

Creating On-site Authentic Field Experiences
Salon VIII – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 Enochs High School Biotechnology Academy students participate in our on-site field experience, the Biotechnology Anthropological Research Facility, where students perform authentic research on the process of decomposition and insects that feed on products of this process. We are also developing a project to integrate mummification into our anatomy classes. Carol Schutt

Show Me The Money!
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection 60 Come hear how to get your students scholarships for any post secondary education pathway. Tips, resources, marketability and other useful tools to make college financially possible will be presented. Diane Rodriguez

Curriculum Integration that Works! Geometry in Construction, Algebra 2 in Automotive Systems, and Math in Cosmetology: PART 1
Terrace A & B
Curriculum Integration 80 In a revolutionary approach, an academic and a CTE teacher teamed to design rigorous mathematics courses taught through relevant project-based CTE curriculum. Standardized test scores have increased, gender equity and enrollment are soaring, and discipline incidents are virtually a thing from the past. Please join us. We won’t disappoint! Scott Burke
Tom Moore
Getting it Right: Performance-based Curriculum Integration in Career Academies and Pathways
Terrace C & D
Curriculum Integration 80 A fundamental instructional strategy in career academies and career-themed pathways is integrating curriculum whereby students apply multiple content areas to challenging industry-based problems. Join us to do performance mapping—a technique to make cross-curricular connections, build authentic projects, and address standards in multiple courses, while maintaining required scope and sequence. Kathleen Harris
Paula M. (Penni) Hudis
Building Brighter Futures Through Successful Partnerships
Terrace E & F
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection 80 This presentation will demonstrate what factors are involved in creating successful partnerships in one community. The role each partnership plays and the overall results will be explained. Participants will leave understanding how 7-14 administrators, educators and counselors, superintendents, ROP, Tech Prep, leaders from a CTE Community Collaborative as well as business can work together. Audries Blake
Shawn Ogimachi
Luan Seaman
Death to Paper: Moving to an Online Articulation System
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 80 See how we replaced a unreliable paper-based Articulation application system within our Community College District using free open source software. Our goals included: Trackable applications, archives throughout the of process, automated notifications, monitoring throughout the process, various levels of permissions. Learn from our success and mistakes. Bob Kepford
Amanda Hopkins