Tuesday Session 1

8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Tuesday, February 24

Presentation Room Presentation Category Capacity Presentation Description Presenter/s
The DNA of Successful Career Selecion
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 60 Teaching students to understand and discover their true niche and how to chart and navigate the journey to doing what they absolutely love. Presented to Coastline ROP. Contact Carol Hume for reference. I'm the creator of The Missing Step and author of The DNA of Successful Leaders. See themissingstep.com and torquesolutions.com. Troy L Tate

Generations in the Workplace
Garden 1
California Partnership Academy 90 There are now four generations working together at the same time. Rick Delano, a noted speaker on generational personalities, will describe the four generation types and discuss how to train them, manage them, retain them and maximize their value in the workforce. Rick Delano

Go Local! A Collaborative Experiment
Garden 2
California Partnership Academy 90 A presentation of a collaborative unit on buying local. Utilizing all disciplines, business, culinary, English and History, the carbon footprint of “buying local” was examined. A survey was conducted with 700 plus citizens of Windsor with the findings presented at the Farmers Market and before the Windsor Town Council. Loius Ganzler
Bernard Kaufman
Jon Weller
Skills for the Global Economy
Garden 3
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 150 Highly successful CTE programs provide academically rigorous curricula that incorporate real-world relevance. This presentation will provide an in-depth look at the Rigor/Relevance Framework, created by the International Center for Leadership in Education, which has become a cornerstone of curriculum and instruction for schools throughout the country and abroad. Jim Warford

College Tools for High Schools
Garden 4
California Partnership Academy 120 This session will introduce participants to a web site (http://collegetools.berkeley.edu) for high schools seeking to increase the number of students who are prepared for college, with specific attention to meeting requirements for California's public universities. Contents include: building a college-going culture, analyzing transcripts, and an extensive list of resources. David Stern
Charles Dayton
Information and Communication Technology – Middle School and Beyond
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 77 SB 70 partners -- Ohlone College, Santa Clara Unified, Santa Clara Adult Education, Next Vista for Learning, Central County Occupational Center, and Foothill College collaborate successfully for student career pathways success. Camp, curriculum, cross-age courses and articulation. Information abounds. Sonia Martin
Tabitha Kappeler-Hurley
Richard Grotegut
CPA Coordinator/Lead Teacher Meeting
Grand Ballroom A
California Partnership Academy 500 Program expectations, required reporting, and relevant policies will be discussed. This workshop provides an opportunity to review compliance, funding, and legislative issues for academies. Due to limited seating, this meeting is for coordinators and administrators only. Karen Shores
Jerry Winthrop
Articulation - A Dual Enrollment Option
Harbor Room
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection 120 Dual Enrollment encompasses several ways high school students earn or qualify for college credit while they are in high school: • Concurrent Enrollment • Advanced Placement Standing • Articulated Credit • Challenge the Course. This session focuses on one of the most widely used – Articulation. We will look at the dynamic involvement of the CCC Academic Senate in developing the process, removing barriers and providing assistance in the articulation process. High School participation, procedures and outcomes will be explored through the examination of an articulation agreement template. The timeline and activities involved in hosting an Articulation Day will be focused upon. In conclusion, a student who has benefited from articulation credit will speak about her experiences – from learning about articulated credit – to working her way through the process – to the impact on her college plan. Questions will be taken at the conclusion of the presentation. Jackie Slabaugh
Nancy S. Jones
Fran Trout
California Successful Practices Network Showcase
Imperial Room
Assessment and Accountability 90 California high schools chosen to participate in a five-year initiative will share their successful practices, strategies, and resources. The High School Initiative was developed by the Successful Practices Network in partnership with the International Center for Leadership in Education and the Council of Chief State School Officers with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Teams from: Galt High School and Galileo Academy of Science and Technology Joyce McLean

Success Strategies for Implementing Work-Based Learning Activities
Work-Based Learning 80 When was the last time a student asked you "Why am I learning this?" This interactive workshop is designed to explore the many different ways to connect your classroom instruction to business and industry. Student success models ranging from student projects, job shadowing, and mentoring to summer employment opportunities will be shared. Lori Marchy
Randee Prada
Ensuring that CTE Classes Address All Aspects of the Industry
Standards-Based Curriculum 120 Perkins IV requires that programs assisted with federal funds provide students with strong experience in and understanding of “all aspects of an industry.” What does that mean? Why should all aspects of an industry be incorporated into CTE courses specific to each industry sector? This workshop will address these questions. Russell Weikle

Been There…Done That! Learn rom our Mistakes
Regal Room
Assessment and Accountability 90 An Ohio Tech Prep Consortium will share how they have used the Advancer+ curriculum to reduce the need for college remediation in math. You’ll receive samples of a data collection sheet, electronic student survey, COMPASS conversion chart, schedule of delivery method and a sample data analysis. Let us help you! Nadine Cornett
Bill Cornett
Industry Certifications & Curriculum through NCCER
Salon I – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 80 The National Center for Construction Education and Research mission is to build a safe, productive, sustainable workforce through a training process of accreditation, instructor certification, standardized curriculum, national registry, assessment, and certification. NCCER develops industry-driven standardized training programs with industry-recognized credentials in Building/Construction, Manufacturing, Energy/Utilities, and Green Technology. Karen Keith
Ed Prevatt
Connecting CTE Courses and Occupational Outlook
Salon II – North Tower
Assessment and Accountability 80 Learn about a tool that allows LEAs to align CTE course codes (formerly CBEDS) with Occupational Labor Market Information data from the California Employment Development Department and provides the ability to “map” employment needs locally and statewide in order to meet demands for workers in particular industry sectors. LEAs should bring CTE course sequences and programs of study as there will be time to assign course codes for reporting purpose. Geoff Belleau

Perkins Office and the GENUIS BAR: Career Pathway and Industry Sector Leads
Salon III – North Tower
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 50 When CDE Perkins consultants are not presenting workshops, they will be available to meet with local Perkins coordinators to answer district and site specific questions and to provide technical assistance. The Industry Sector Leads will provide sector and program specific resources and strategies to the many workshop attendees including CPAs, SB 70 Community Collaboratives, ROCPs, school districts, county offices of education, etc. through each of the specific career pathway and industry sector strands offered. Perkins and 15 Industry Sector Education Consultants

How to Plan and Host a College and Career Fair
Salon IV – North Tower
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection 50 This interactive session will provide a sample portfolio via powerpoint presentation and handouts consisting of possible representatives, set-up, facility use form, maintenance work order, check-in sheet, table markers, supply list, and timeline. The presentation will be a powerpoint with interactive session following each area presented in an outline format. Virginia Menezes

Your Solar Home - Real World Projects for Green Academies
Salon V – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 We’ll share successful classroom projects centered on converting your home into a Solar Home…one that heats, cools, and powers itself with sunshine. New and existing homes in California are moving in this direction, with many emerging jobs centered on home ‘energy’ improvements. Tor Allen

Design/Media/Arts: Integrated Curriculum for AME Career Academies
Salon VI – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 Strong academies depend on high-quality teaching and learning. EDC is developing Design / Media / Arts, a fully integrated program of study with foundations courses and academic units for media and digital design academies. Integration of fine and media arts, innovative projects, and structured career exploration make this rigorous-and fun! Cindy Orrell
Eliza Fabillar
Tying it All Together: Integrating Curriculum in an Education and Child Development Academy
Salon VII – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 A team of academy teachers will demonstrate how to integrate curriculum across the disciplines in an education and child development academy. This workshop will showcase several successful projects, such as The Me Book, a great beginning-of-the-year project; a unit based on the Holocaust and Night; and others. David Day
Rhoda Taylor
Rachelle Barkus
Tuning Up Your Academy
Salon VIII – North Tower
California Partnership Academy 70 Career academies are all about teams. This hands-on presentation encourages participants to select their leadership style and gives advice on recruiting team members, gaining support of reluctant team members, and nurturing key relationships. It describes the four states of team building, reaching consensus, and how to avoid problem areas. Sandy Mittelsteadt
Susan Tidyman
How to Ensure CTE Programs are Relevant
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 60 In conjunction with data developed by the Centers of Excellence, the Tech Prep Regional Coordination Project for Los Angeles County will present this interactive session. This session will demonstrate the use of data available to help develop new CTE programs or to revise existing CTE programs in such a way as to ensure their relevance. Dr. Lyla Eddington
Marti Deyoung
Dr. Audrey Reille
Creating an Online Learning Community
Terrace A & B
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 80 Learn how to build an online learning community through the use of technology tools and social networking sites. This workshop provides information on how to facilitate online collaborative learning. These methods and tools can be used to teach, manage class projects, and operate on-campus clubs. The tools and techniques presented in this workshop are valuable in any educational setting. The methods in this workshop support constructivist teaching and learning. This presentation is facilitated by members of the Folsom Lake College SIFE team a student organization. Ryan Fuerst
Alex Klemp
Matthew Thesing
Anatomy in Clay I: Muscles and Bones
Terrace C & D
Health Careers 80 Participants build clay muscles and attach them to the Maniken Model (TM). Each person experiences this unique hands-on mehtod of learning and 'seeing' the relationship of muscles and skeletal components working together for movement. "The mind does not forget what the hands have learned." Starla A. Ewan
Jeff Poole

Terrace E & F

Solving the Team Building Puzzle
Terrace E & F
Career Pathways/ Industry Sectors 60 With so much hype about teamwork and team-building, does this really make a difference in student achievement? In reality, how can teacher teams accomplish more in Career Technical Education than stand alone in courses? Explore strategic assessment components that will assist in solving the team-building puzzle. Find out how to solve the puzzle with great resources. Matt Tassinari
Ken Ramirez
Patricia Twyman
Growing the Next Generation of Business Leaders- Youth Entrepreneur Program
Business & Marketing Management 80 Napa Valley College in partnership with Napa ROP, and the Napa SBDC, will showcase two innovative programs that were developed through a grant from the California Community College's Career Pathway Entrepeneurial Program. The Napa Valley College Youth Entrepreneur Program, "YEP", actively engages our students, ages 14- through 27, high school and college ,in an Annual Business Boot Camp and an Annual Business Plan Competition. The two year project has resulted in over 200 local high school and college students particpating in interactive business plan development activities that has been embraced and supported by the local business community. Articulation between high school and NVC has increased and college Entrepreneurial Certificate has been launched. Come listen to how entrepreneur training can help your business programs. Elizabeth Pratt
Walt Unti
Tammie Holloway